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Use the Australia/New Zealand Geocoder tool to assign address data to a spatial object, pinpoint locations, display them on a map, and carry out geography-based analyses.

CASS Tool Icon

Übernimmt die Adresseneingabedatei und prüft sie anhand des USPS-Zertifizierungsprozesses zur Adressvalidierung namens CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System).

Parse Address Tool Icon

Teilt jede Adresse in ihre Bestandteile auf, wie z. B. Hausnummer, Straßenname usw.

Reverse Geocoder Tool Icon

Koordiniert den Breitengrad und den Längengrad, indem es Daten aus der TomTom Reverse-Geocoder-API abfragt und herunterlädt.

Street Geocoder Tool Icon

Verknüpft geografische Koordinaten mit Eingabeadressen

US Geocoder Tool Icon

Verwenden Sie das CASS-Tool, das Straßen-Geocoder-Tool oder das US ZIP9-Coder-Tool, um eine Kundendatei zu geokodieren.

US ZIP9 Coder Tool Icon

Verknüpft geografische Koordinaten mit eingegebenen ZIP9-Codes, um geografisch basierte Analysen durchzuführen.


Use Brazil Geocoder to produce a record-for-record geocode result for Brazilian addresses, including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.

Canada Geocoder tool icon

The Canada Geocoder tool uses the Geocoding suite of products in Designer, including the CASS tool and Street Geocoder tool, to geocode a customer file. This tool works only for Canadian addresses.


The European Geocoder tool produces a record-for-record geocode result for European addresses including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.

The Mexico Geocoder tool produces a record-for-record geocode result for Mexican addresses including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.

This macro uses TomTom’s Geocoder API to geocode a file composed of UK addresses.