This macro is part of the Server User Management Enterprise Utility and is not automatically installed with Alteryx Designer. To use this macro, download it from the Alteryx Marketplace.
The Get User Assets macro simplifies the collection of the information needed to pass into the Transfer Assets tool.
The Get User Assets macro is compatible with Designer and Server version 2022.3 and newer.
The Get User Assets macro has 4 anchors:
Input Anchors: This macro does not have any input anchors. All of the data is pulled from the Server API based on the configuration details that you enter.
Output Anchors:
U (User) anchor: This anchor returns the specified User's details, including UserID, name, and email address.
W (Workflows) anchor: This anchor returns all of the workflows owned by the specified user, one workflow per record.
S (Schedules) anchor: This anchor returns all of the schedules owned by the specified user, one schedule per record.
C (Collections) anchor: This anchor returns all of the collections owned by the specified user, one collection per record.
This macro only returns assets owned by the specified user. A user can have workflows, schedules, and collections shared with them that they do not own, and these are not returned.
Use the tool configuration window to configure any necessary fields to execute your API call.
Use the Authentication section to provide the required authentication information. For more information, go to API Keys and API Access and Server API Configuration and Authorization.
Base URL: Provide the base URL for your Server API. You can configure this via Server UI Configuration.
API Key: Enter your API key.
API Secret: Enter your API Secret.
User the Questions tab to enter the information required to find the user.
Search for UserID: Select this radio button if you don't know the user ID of the person you want to retrieve information for.
First Name: Enter the first name of the user you want to search for.
Last Name: Enter the last name of the user you want to search for.
Email address: Enter the email address of the user you want to search for.
Only return UserID: Use this checkbox to return the user ID for the user you are searching for. This is helpful when you transfer assets from one user to another and only need the new owner’s user ID.
Error if multiple users found: Use this checkbox if you want the macro to return an error if multiple users are found. This is helpful when you use the full details to search for a user, such as a complete email address. If multiple users are returned for the same email address, the error is returned.
To return users, you can enter any combination of the identifying information. Partial information is also acceptable. For example, if you enter “Sa” as the first name, it returns any users with a first name that begins with Sa, including Sarah and Sam.