Alteryx Copilot is your AI-powered workflow assistant. You can ask Alteryx Copilot questions about Designer or for help with adding tools to your workflow. Chat with Alteryx Copilot in a natural and conversational way to assist you with building your workflows. Alteryx Copilot uses Generative AI to analyze your current workflow for tailored recommendations. Alteryx Copilot can even add preconfigured tools to the canvas for you. With Alteryx Copilot, spend less time building your workflows and get to your insights faster!
Alteryx Copilot is currently in Public Preview. Go to Alteryx Marketplace to download Alteryx Copilot and get started with your workflow assistant.
Go to Alteryx Copilot Release Notes to learn about updates and fixes.
Language Support: Alteryx Copilot supports English for both prompts and responses. Note that Alteryx Copilot might be able to understand prompts in various languages. However, the resulting response might not be correct and is in English.
Workflow Size: Alteryx Copilot supports workflows that contain up to 50 tools at this time.
Alteryx Copilot can’t answer questions about your data. It only has access to workflow metadata.
Alteryx Copilot can’t answer questions outside of the context of Alteryx products.
Alteryx Copilot can’t run workflows or interact with the user interface beyond adding tools to the canvas.
Alteryx Copilot can’t move, edit, and delete tools.
Alteryx Copilot doesn't know your data environment.
Alteryx Copilot doesn't fully support formula capabilities.
Alteryx Copilot can’t see your data and it might ask you to paste a sample into the chat window if that will help Copilot help you.
Alteryx Copilot might not always connect tools to one another, you might need to do so after Copilot places the tools on the canvas.
In some circumstances, Alteryx Copilot might respond to questions unrelated to Alteryx Designer. As a reminder, Alteryx Copilot is only intended to support you in building Alteryx Designer workflows.
While Copilot only uses your metadata (for example, column names), if you transpose your data such that row values are used as column names, Copilot can then use these values.
Alteryx Copilot uses Google Gemini Pro to generate responses and data privacy is not guaranteed. Additionally, you can't disable Alteryx Copilot. To ensure you don't send metadata to Alteryx Copilot, you must uninstall Copilot.
Note that metadata is only sent to Alteryx Copilot when you send a new prompt. Alteryx Copilot only has access to workflow metadata, workflow XML, and your dataset metadata.
Alteryx Copilot never uses customer data for model training.
Do not include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or other sensitive information due to privacy concerns.
Alteryx retains message history for a period of up to 2 years. Note that Preview accounts don’t have the ability to request the deletion of message history.
Have questions about how Alteryx uses AI? Review frequently asked questions for Alteryx Copilot.
These are the supported tools that Alteryx Copilot might recommend for your workflow:
If Alteryx Copilot recommends an unsupported tool, you might need additional configuration for the tool to work correctly.
Tool Name | Tool Category |
Browse | In/Out |
Date Time Now | In/Out |
Input Data | In/Out |
Output Data | In/Out |
Text Input | In/Out |
Auto Field | Preparation |
Create Samples | Preparation |
Data Cleansing | Preparation |
Filter | Preparation |
Formula | Preparation |
Generate Rows | Preparation |
Multi-Field Binning | Preparation |
Multi-Field Formula | Preparation |
Multi-Row Formula | Preparation |
Random % Sample | Preparation |
Rank: Note that Copilot might recommend the Rank tool in Designer versions older than 24.2, where Rank is not available. | Preparation |
Record ID | Preparation |
Sample | Preparation |
Select | Preparation |
Select Records | Preparation |
Sort | Preparation |
Tile | Preparation |
Unique | Preparation |
Append Fields | Join |
Find Replace | Join |
Fuzzy Match | Join |
Join | Join |
Join Multiple | Join |
Make Group | Join |
Union | Join |
DateTime | Parse |
RegEx | Parse |
Text to Columns | Parse |
XML Parse | Parse |
Arrange | Transform |
Count Records | Transform |
Cross Tab | Transform |
Make Columns | Transform |
Running Total | Transform |
Summarize | Transform |
Transpose | Transform |
Weighted Average | Transform |
Comment | Documentation |
Buffer | Spatial |
Create Points | Spatial |
Distance | Spatial |
Find Nearest | Spatial |
Generalize | Spatial |
Heat Map | Spatial |
Poly-Build | Spatial |
Poly-Split | Spatial |
Smooth | Spatial |
Spatial Info | Spatial |
Spatial Process | Spatial |
Trade Area | Spatial |
Block Until Done | Developer |
Detour | Developer |
Detour End | Developer |
Download | Developer |
Dynamic Rename | Developer |
Dynamic Replace | Developer |
Dynamic Select | Developer |
Field Info | Developer |
JSON Build | Developer |
JSON Parse | Developer |
Message | Developer |
Minimum Designer Version
Alteryx Copilot requires Designer version 2023. (Patch 3) or newer. Follow this guide to update Designer. Note that Copilot might recommend the Rank tool in Designer versions older than 24.2, where Rank is not available.
Go to Alteryx Marketplace and then search for
Alteryx Copilot
.From the Alteryx Copilot page, select Get Add-On to add it to your apps.
Select Alteryx Copilot from your available applications. To view your available applications, go to Profile Menu > Account > Applications.
Go to the Download Files tab to Download the latest YXI installation file.
Open Designer and then open the Alteryx Copilot YXI file you just downloaded to start the installation or update process.
Alteryx Copilot relies on a new Microsoft technology called WebView2. This comes installed out-of-the-box on most Windows versions supported by Designer. However, Windows Server doesn't currently include WebView2. If Copilot detects that it's running in an environment where WebView2 is not installed, it prompts you to install it.
We recommend that an Admin user triggers the WebView2 installation and installs it for all users.
Once installed, Alteryx Copilot appears as a window in Designer, similar to the tool configuration window. You can dock or hide the window from the 3-dot menu.
To bring back the Copilot window, go to View and then select Alteryx Copilot.
To uninstall Alteryx Copilot, follow these steps…
Close Designer if it's open.
If you use Windows…
For Non-Admin Designer, go to
.For Admin Designer, go to
If you use a Mac…
For Non-Admin Designer, go to
.For Admin Designer, go to
Select the
folder and delete it.The
folder applies to the previous version of Alteryx Copilot (available via Private Preview). Once you install the Public Preview version of Copilot from the Alteryx Marketplace, you will not need to uninstall it before you install a new version.If you do need to uninstall the Public Preview version of Copilot, follow the above steps and delete the
folder instead.
Open Designer.
Connect to Alteryx Copilot from the chat window in Designer.
From the Alteryx Copilot chat window, select New to Alteryx Copilot? Start a Preview. If the window isn’t open, go to View and then select Alteryx Copilot.
Select Start Preview to join the Public Preview.
Once authenticated, you can start using Alteryx Copilot.
Alteryx Copilot preview accounts are limited to 1,000 requests per user per calendar month. Requests don’t roll over month-to-month.
Enter a prompt in the Alteryx Copilot window and then select the send icon to generate new recommendations for your workflow.
Alteryx Copilot limits message size to 1,000 characters.
If your prompt is relevant to supported Alteryx products, Alteryx Copilot responds in 1 of 2 ways:
It provides general knowledge answers and links to help documentation.
It automatically adds 1 or more tools to your workflow. If it can, Alteryx Copilot configures the tool for you. Note that the tool configuration might not match the recommendation. Please ensure that the tool configuration is correct before running the workflow.
Note that Alteryx Copilot only responds to prompts that are relevant to supported Alteryx products.
Run your workflow to update Alteryx Copilot with the most recent workflow metadata. Alteryx Copilot works best with the most up-to-date information.
For more accurate recommendations, add comments to your workflow that describe your data or what you want to do. Comments act as additional prompts for Copilot responses.
When you interact with Alteryx Copilot, follow these guidelines to get the most accurate responses to your prompt:
Provide a summary of what you want to accomplish.
Provide context to your question. Include as much information as you can.
Include specific column names and tool names that are relevant to your prompt.
Use general phrases: “Clean my data.”
Use specifics: "I want to evaluate the HR data in this workflow. I need to clean my data. Can you remove the rows with null values in the 'Attrition' field?”
Alteryx Copilot can also help you learn more about Designer tools. Ask it questions like…
“What does a tool container do?"
“What is the difference between the Cross Tab and Transpose tool?”
“What does the Multi-Field Formula tool do?”
Didn’t receive the response you expected? Use the thumbs up and down icons in the chat window to provide feedback. This helps us make Alteryx Copilot better!
Didn’t receive the response you expected? Use the thumbs up and down icons in the chat window to provide feedback. This helps us make Alteryx Copilot better!
Have questions about how Alteryx uses AI? Review frequently asked questions for Alteryx Copilot.